Hormone Replacement &

Medical Weight Loss

Are you struggling with weight gain despite numerous attempts with diets and exercise routines? Are you dealing with fatigue, mood swings, hot flashes, or a decreasing libido? You're not alone! These are common challenges women face as we enter into perimenopause and menopause- leading to a cascade of symptoms, both hormonal and metabolic, impacting our health and vitality as we age.

The Problem?

Persistent Weight Struggles: Weight loss can feel like an endless cycle of highs and lows, with traditional approaches failing to yield lasting results. Often, this is because the underlying metabolic and hormonal imbalances are overlooked.

Aging and Hormonal Shifts: As we age, our bodies undergo natural changes, including decreased production of vital hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid hormones. These shifts can lead to significant issues such as fatigue, mood swings, decreased sexual drive, and an overall decline in well-being.

No One-Size-Fits-All Solution: Generic health advice and treatments often neglect the individual biochemical makeup of each person, resulting in less effective or unsustainable solutions.

The Solution?

Tailored Medical Weight Loss and Hormone Replacement Therapy

At Replenish Women’s Health, understanding that the path to optimal health isn’t uniform for every woman is key. That’s why providing personalized medical weight loss and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) programs designed to address the unique needs of your body is the center of our focus.

Medical Weight Loss:

Our medical weight loss program digs deep to uncover and address the underlying causes of your weight management struggles. Through thorough metabolic assessments, together we’ll craft a weight loss plan customized to your body's specific requirements, blending nutrition, lifestyle adjustments, and medical interventions to ensure lasting success.

Hormone Replacement Therapy:

For women struggling with symptoms of hormonal imbalance, HRT offers a ray of hope…and relief. By restoring your body’s hormone levels to their ideal balance, Replenish’s personalized HRT programs can help alleviate symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, and diminished libido, restoring a renewed vitality and equilibrium to your life.

Why Work with Erin and Replenish Women’s Health?

Expertise and Personalization: As a board-certified Nurse Practitioner, Erin specializes in medical weight loss and hormone replacement therapy exclusively for women, leveraging the latest research and techniques for optimal outcomes.

Holistic Approach: Erin believes in treating the individual, not just the symptoms. Her holistic approach seeks to restore balance to your life by addressing health concerns at their core.

Compassionate Care: Erin empathizes with the challenges her patients face, as she’s faced them herself. That’s why she’s dedicated to offering compassionate, supportive care every step of the way.

Ready to Make a Change?

Don’t let weight struggles and hormonal imbalances control your life. Embark on the journey to a healthier, happier you with personalized medical weight loss and hormone replacement therapy programs. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward unlocking your health potential.

An Initial Hormone Optimization or Medical Weight Loss Consultation Includes:

  • First- A comprehensive lab panel to dig deep into potential reasons for your unique symptoms and help you establish obtainable goals for your metabolic health and hormonal wellness

    • This panel will be drawn first prior to your consultation. We ask that you fast at least 8 hours prior to this lab draw.

  • Next- As Erin understands how important metabolic health is to longevity, you’ll undergo a brief body composition analysis scan with our exclusive “InBody” Body Composition scale to assess unique measurements of muscle mass, body fat, and most importantly- visceral body fat (the dangerous fat that accumulates on your organs that increases your risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, and more) as one more tool to evaluate your health and help with goal establishment.

    • This scan will take place during your lab-draw visit.

  • Then- An extended consultation with Erin to discuss your concerns, goals, and thorough medical history- to get to know you not just as a patient, but as a person too. Together you’ll review you lab results, and discuss your individual treatment plan recommendations.

Initial Labs + Body Composition Analysis + Consultation : $497

***We are a self-pay practice and do not work with insurance***